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care community coordination

Social Work

At care community coordination, we strive to help our clients improve their relationships and everyday living to allow for a more enjoyable time in society.

Our social workers are about helping the client:

  • Make better connections with them and their family.

  • Connect to the community.
  • Link to formal and informal supports.

Through focusing on strengths and needs to improve relationships and everyday living, care community coordination’s social workers are skilled specialist professionals who can support both children and adults with:

  • Emotional regulation skills and anger management programs.

  • Environmental assessments and housing suitability.
  • Social and relationship building skills.
  • Functional behaviour assessments and the development of positive behaviour support plans.
  • Connections into community activities, programs, and groups.

Social workers also help the clients make connections like a dot to dot.

Social workers can assist people to understand and identify cause and effect, that if ‘A’ and ‘B’ happens then ‘C’ is the likely reaction. This can assist support workers and family members to understand that when they respond to something that the person does, it causes a certain reaction/outcome.

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